Students and employers meet and mingle at the fall ’18 LDDI Career Night Mixer
Students and employers meet and mingle at the fall ’18 LDDI Career Night Mixer

On the evening of Monday, February 25, from 6-8p at the Hokie House in Blacksburg, LDDI will hosts its Career Night Mixer. Held on the eve of the CEE Career Fair, this is a premier recruitment opportunity for Virginia Tech CEE students who have a focused interest in land development. This spring’s mixer marks the 22nd consecutive semester that LDDI has hosted this event, and we’re once again very excited to play matchmaker between our talented students and our industry supporters! Members of any LDDI sponsoring firm or organization are invited to attend, and whether you are exhibiting at the Virginia Tech CEE Career Fair the next day or not, we hope you’ll mark your calendar and plan to join us for the mixer.