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Sponsors and Donors

Corporate Sponsors and Municipal Members

During the 2022-2023 fiscal year, LDDI enjoyed the financial support of 46 corporate sponsors and municipal members.  In total, corporate sponsorships and municipal memberships generated just over $243,000 in program revenue that was used to directly support LDDI activities inside and outside of the classroom.  The following describes some of LDDI’s major expense categories toward which this revenue has been directed historically and over the past year.

  • Instructional Support:  Nearly all Professor of Practice appointments at Virginia Tech are funded by external sources.  Of the nine LDDI course-sections planned for the 2023-2024 academic year at Virginia Tech, revenue from corporate sponsorships and municipal memberships will fund three course sections in their entirety.
  • Program Expenses:  Program expenses include support for the Sustainable Land Development Club (SLDC), including field trips, travel to service project locations, and catering for after-hours guest speakers and other events.  This expense category also includes event catering for LDDI general and outreach meetings, publication of the LDDI What’s Developing bi-monthly newsletter, and publication of the LDDI Annual Report
  • Operations Expenses: Operations expenses include general overhead costs including postage, printing and copying, telecommunications, and university accounting and service fees.
  • Travel and Meetings:  LDDI has historically hosted three general membership meetings each year.  Outreach efforts such as these comprise a critical part of LDDI’s efforts to ensure continued practitioner participation in the program.

In addition to directly supporting the program’s critical missions, LDDI’s Corporate Sponsors and Municipal Members receive unrivaled recruiting access to LDDI students.  If you are not already a supporter, we invite you to explore what tier of sponsorship best fits your organization:

Attention graduating students! Do you have a passion for civil engineering? Do you also feel a need for diversity and excitement in your work? If so, a career in Land Development Design might be just what you’re looking for! Land development engineers employ all aspects of the civil engineering profession in their work – structural, environmental, geotechnical, water resources, and transportation. If you think a career in land development design may be of interest to you, then submit your resume and/or browse our listing of job openings!

Are you a current student looking for an internship? LDDI’s sponsoring firms are committed to providing internships that teach engineering skills through work experience. Check out the Best Practices for Internships that our sponsoring firms adhere to.

Individuals wishing to make donations to the LDDI program may do so through the Virginia Tech Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit nonstock corporation.  Donors are strongly encouraged to follow the guidelines described below to ensure proper crediting of their donation.

There are many different ways that you can become involved with LDDI. If you would like to find out more about the program, or if you’re ready to jump right in, you’re encouraged to contact us at