Courses and Curriculum

CEE 3274: Introduction to Land Development Design
The purpose of this course is to provide students with an overview of the land development design process, integrating multiple disciplines of civil engineering, such as transportation, water resources, environmental, geotechnical, and construction. The course will also introduce students to the unique manner in which land development engineers must consider planning, environmental, and sustainability issues.
CEE 4264: Sustainable Land Development
Sustainability is the study of how we can interact with our environment in a way that: 1) does not deplete renewable resources in quantity or quality and, 2) maintains a high level of environmental stewardship, while balancing social and economic needs. Sustainable Land Development alters the use of a parcel of land into another use that is economically and socially beneficial while seeking to maintain the pre-development quality of environment.
CEE 4274: Land Development Design
CEE 4274 provides students with an overview of land development projects including planning and design factors, construction practices, legal issues, and government policies. Computer based design assignments facilitate the understanding of land development planning and design. Design teams are mentored by practicing professionals on real world projects from the feasibility & conceptual design all the way through final plan preparation.
CEE 4284: Advanced Land Development Design
CEE 4284 is unique in the academic community in that is coordinated by a tenured University faculty member, but taught exclusively by three teams of industry professionals. This arrangement ensures that course content and structure meets University requirements while simultaneously exposing students to front line issues facing the industry. This course is offered every other spring semester on alternating Friday evening/Saturday mornings, and expands upon topics introduced in the CEE 4274 (Land Development Design) course by providing more in-depth study of site grading, Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) site design requirements, erosion and sedimentation control, and stormwater management including application of water quality best management practices (BMPs).
Students with an interest in land development should review the following information for guidance on the appropriate course curriculum.
- Via Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Curriculum and Academics Page
- Graduation Checklist for the Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Degree